2019-01-11  浏览:108

Should some residents have encountered this problem, many air-conditioning after a long time of use of the most easily damaged is outside the machine, encounter heat and burning, the fire will soon surpass upstairs, will cause great danger, light just burn some furniture, may lead to severe carbon monoxide poisoning or even caused by atmospheric pollution.
This time even if it is recruited to the Ji'nan air conditioning repair, air conditioning is useless, can only be discarded and only fire can help fire, if the inhabitants of the land is good early detection can timely put out the fire, but on the contrary, if the live high, it can only pray hope rain or firefighters soon come on, otherwise it can self preservation.
Air conditioning why not use too long time, the plateau lies in the long time use will cause the chassis damage, leading to overheating and fire, so we usually cannot rely on air conditioning in Thailand, to learn how to adapt to the environment, long time of the air conditioner cleaning, maintenance of good, to prepare for the next winter again, what is there against it.


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